Today was a rest day, and God, I needed it. I came down with a bit of spring flu (allergies) and it just left me drained and my body soar. I did not hit the gym, nor stick to my diet; I barely managed to update this blog and release a new video, but I did mange to break through the 200 hour mark of wearing the SizeGenetic Extender, and adding more tension to it.
The next picture of me wearing the SizeGenetic Extender will be when I hit 500 hours.
I’ll be releasing a video on my first 200 hours wearing it. I’d like to note that I’ve worn it in the past but not regular basis, and not with my current goal of hitting the 2000 hour mark. (Note: I’ll edit in the 200 hour review video in a few days after I make it.)
Today's Thoughts: Doing too much
I have a lot of goals in my life and still a considerable amount of time to accomplish them. My main issue is that I try to attack too many goals at once. Stephen R. Covey’s book, First things First, has given me the best way to attack this problem. He asks two very important questions.
1. What is the most important goal you can accomplish in your personal life, right now?
2. What is the most important goal you can accomplish in your business life, right now?
1. Answer: Get my weight to 190lbs.
2. Answer: Select my Target Market.
With the answers in mind, we can ask what single action will yield me 64% of these results?
1. Stick to a high fiber and protein diet.
2. Write out my bio as my personality type is my selected market.
So, now we know what two activities I have to work on daily until I accomplish my goals. Let’s get to work!