91 Days of Bathmate: Day 25 (NSFW)

Note: I was out of town for 2 days. Those days will not count to the 91 days.

Well, I’m back from another work trip, and went right into an awesome pumping session. I did not hit my previous pump, but it was still above average as you can see in the following pictures.

Today's thoughts: Hard Choices

I have a bad habit: I take on too many goals at the same time. I’m sure a lot of people do that, but I am aware of the folly in it. So, I had to ask myself what are my two most important goals at this moment?

1. Getting my weight to 195 lbs.

2. Getting P.E. Tips established.

So, with that in mind, I’m going to be cutting two things out of my activities.

1. Attempting to wear the Size-Genetics Extender daily.

2. Reading on Leadership.

I don’t want to cut either one of these, but they must be sacrificed for the great good.

1. The Size-Genetics Extender has become a problem because I have to kinda build my day around it. I can’t wear it to work, and if I get home late, I maybe only get an hour with it.

Worse yet, it is interfering with my Bathmate sessions due to my work schedule (I only have so many hours in the day). I do want to hit the 2000 hour mark, but I think I should finish up my diet goal first (as I am very close to completing this as is) before attacking this goal.

2. While I want to learn about being a better leader, the time reading and reflecting on the book could be put into this place, which is my secondary goal. I will return to this goal, but at a later date.

Both of these decision have occurred after reflecting on advice from my mentor, Good Looking Loser. In one of his videos he explains how you need to eliminate anything that distracts or takes away time from your top goal–which is at the moment losing weight.

And so I will listen to his advice.

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