91 Days of Bathmate: Day 29

Today was a gym day. Wanting to keep pace with my excellent pumps, I really pushed hard with the weight lifting. The only muscle I don’t feel like I’m hitting correctly is the chest. I’m not sure if it is the amount of weight or the form, but my chest is my least developed body part in my opinion.

I’ll just have to keep working it until I see results.

Today's Thoughts: The pettiness of America

Sometimes I hear some really racist shit from people in my life, and it really bothers me. However, the other day a unique thought occurred to me: maybe it isn’t racism, per say, that a lot of Americans have. Maybe, it is prettiness.

The more I thought about this, the more some things made sense to me. America a racist country? No. America a petty country? Oh yeah.

What made me come to this conclusion is that really I listen to ‘racist’ people, they tend to bitch about people in general. “I hate hillbillies, and women, and black people.” Some days, I just want to say, “No man, you just hate people.”

But why are American’s so petty? I don’t really know, but if I had to guess I’d say it is our materialistic culture. People hate people who have things they don’t have. 

Let me give you an example of what I mean. I heard someone complaining about ‘thugs’ the other day, but their main complaint was that they couldn’t act like thugs without getting into trouble. This is such a childish way of thinking for me. I despise certain people because of their actions, but because of the fact they can perform those actions and I cannot.

The difference is subtle, but important. So important.

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