91 Days of Bathmate: Day 7 (NSFW)

(Day 6 has been updated) Well, I’ve done 7 days of Bathmate in a row, and I have to say, I think it is a little too much, but in any case, here are some dick pics

So, now that I’ve done 7 days worth of Bathmate sessions, I think it is some time for some reflection. Today (day 7), and Day 5, my dick was really fatigued and a little sore. I’m not giving my body enough time to heal and repair itself from the bathmate sessions, and after taking some consul, I think it would be wise if I put some rest days in between my sessions. So this is what I am going to do: Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday will be Bathmate sessions, and every other Saturday. So 7 sessions every two weeks.

Still, let’s take stock in what I accomplished this week.

I did 7 days of Bathmate.
I did 7 days of releasing Videos.
I did 3 weight lifting sessions this week.
Sadly, however, my diet was not as solid due to my bod being super sore from the gym workouts which makes me super hungry.

So, some minor changes for this coming week. First, I am going to only do 3 Bathmate sessions this week. Second, I am going really fight to have the next 10 days solid with the diet. I want that 6-pack body and 8” x 6” cock. Let’s get to work

Today’s Thoughts: Modern Society.

When I went to the gym today, I was stunned at what I saw. The lady at the check-in counter was an obese lady (easily 350+ lbs) and was eating hard candies. I couldn’t believe it. I mean, if someone is overweight and at the gym working on themselves, I’m in full support. But to work at a gym—a place where people go to lose weight and build muscle—and be eating hard candies was just stunning.

Is this really what we’ve become?

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