Bathmate Adventures # 0: Get better dick pics with the Bathmate

Surviving the Cancer Winter

Over the winter, I suffered a number of set-backs. The main ‘hurt’ I suffered from was inflation cut into my spending power while the higher interest rates caused my main source of income to come to a halt. The combination of the two caused the following two things:

1. I gained 40lbs due to stress eating.

2. I’ve $3,578.00 of credit card debt.

The only saving grace was that I had saved a considerable amount of money for if just an event occurred. My savings got me through the winter. Truly this winter was cancerous for me.

With my life now getting back to normal, I started using the Bathmate again (Oh, how I’ve missed it) and I got great pictures of the results.


Bathmate Adventures--A new Journey

I’ve been wanting to do this for awhile, but keep falling off track. I want to do a 100 Bathmate sessions (3-4 sessions a week) and see how much progress I make by the end of it. I made a list of goals, but I’ll give my top 3 personal, and my top 1 business goal:

Personal goals:

1. Pay off off Credit Card ($3,577.67)

2. Be 200 lbs (Current weight: 248 lbs)

3. Get one lay report up (What’s the point of P.E. if you are not slamming some pussy?)

Business Goal:

1. Craft an irresistible offer.


What is an offer?

In short, an offer is the following: I provide X for Y dollar amount.

I’ll be talking more about this idea as the days go on.

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