1.1–The last generation of America, Bathmate session 27, and Business Math

Today, I was speaking to my barber about the impending end of America as we know it. There are two crisis, and maybe more, that are crushing us. They are obesity crisis and the debt crisis.

41.9% of adult Americans are obese.
The U.S. Government owes 34.1 Trillion dollars.
Americans owe 17.3 trillion dollars.
The total debt we owe it 51.4 trillion dollars.

We cannot sustain this. We cannot escape it. The only solution I can imagine is on the individual level to escape both debt and obesity. This is why my current goals are:

1. Get to 196lbs.
2. Do Alex Hormozi’s rule of 100 challenge.

These are my goals over the next 180 days.

Bathmate Session # 27

When people start male enhancement I usually give them these two pieces of advice: Lose weight and use the Bathmate.
My progress seems to have slowed, but I won’t know until I measure myself at the end of the 100 sessions.
I have noticed though longer, better looking erections.
I wonder if I have the genetic potential to reach my goal of 8” x 6.”
I wonder how doing male enhancement will play out with meeting women.

Weight Loss

In the past I recorded and reported what I ate for the day. At the time, I thought it was a waste of time. Looking back, I think this habit keeps me aware of what I am eating and how I am doing on sticking to my diet. So I am going to do it.

Meal 1: Steak and Eggs
Meal 2: bread-free Meatloaf + veggies.
Pre-bought rest of the week’s dinners.

Business Math

I am going to send out 10,000 mailings. Here is the math I need to hit to be profitable with this campaign.

Human error—10,860.00 X 1.1= $11,946 ($12,000.00)
Material cost—$12,000/10000 =$1.20 per mailing

8 hour day = 100 mailings
100 days x 8 hours = 800 hours.
$80/per hour x 800 = $64,000.00
Labor costs—$64,000.00/10000 = $6.40 per mailing

4:1 profit—$304,000.00 profit.

I need to make $304,000 in profit from projects in order to consider this campaign a success.

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