Just The P.E. Tips by BaadT Marketing does not contain any medical advice.
Bathmate Adventures (BaadT) is not a doctor, nor has he received any medical training. It should also be assumed that any commenter on any post has also not received any medical training despite any claim they might make.
Anything posted on this website is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Implement and use anything stated on this website at your own risk.
Hello Guys, as the above states, I am not a doctor and anything I say should not be considered on the same level of a doctor. I am just dude who reads stuff and implements stuff in hopes of making a better life, then journals my results. That is it. I’ve always said that if you are you stating to work out, and are grossly overweight, seek a doctor first. I’ve stated that if you believe you’ve suffered a gym or male enhancement injury, seek a doctor. I’ve stated that before using any supplement or drug, seek a doctor. If fact, I suggest you see your doctor yearly, and inform them of everything you are doing (be truthful and unashamed).
If you don’t agree with what your doctor says, get a second opinion, or seek out a doctor who specializes in the area you are wanting advice in. I do not suggest you Google any medical advice for minor, moderate, or major problems but instead seek a professional, licensed medical professional.
No liability will be assumed for the use of any article or comment from a poster.
If a medical emergency occurs, please call 911 for immediate assistance.
Be safe my friends,
–Bathmate Adventures (BaadT)